Sex Why

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Expert advice and titillating true sex stories on foreplay, sex toys, the best (and craziest) sex positions and more. Are you ready for a toe-curling, eyes-rolling

Oct 10, 2010 · Last week, I tried to figure out why more women are having anal sex and why it correlates so highly with orgasms. Since 1992, the percentage of women aged

AskMen’s Dating channel offers you all the advice you need to become a Better Man in romance and relationships.

Why Sex? In evolutionary terms, sex is more important than life itself. Sex fuels evolutionary change by adding variation to the gene pool.

Procreation, wanting affection – these are just a couple of reasons people have sex. WebMD lists 20 common sex motivations and the difference between men’s and

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Sex. How often do you think about sex? Urban legend says men think about it every seven seconds. While this is an unlikely generalization (and quite the exaggeration

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Sex in the cornfields: The agony and ecstasy of dating at a strict Christian college. We knew next to nothing about sex, except that it was a sin outside of marriage.

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