Early Period After Sex

Early Period After Sex

Oct 12, 2008 · Best Answer: Actually sexual activity can initiate your period. It has something to do with hormones changes, i’m not sure exactly but thats what my doctor

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Can having sex cause your period to start “I had sex last night, I mean im even on birth control to regulate my period but its way to early to have my period.

I’m really confused. I started my period the day after I had sex, but it came 2 weeks early. Could I have been bleeding for another reason? I’ve been having a few

What causes early menstruation after unprotected sex? Had unprotected sex multiple times, period came early, was very light and only lasted 3 days.5 days later

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Nov 15, 2009 · So i had unprotected sex on October 31st, i wasn’t due for my period until late in the first week of November . So i guess i wasn’t ovulating ?

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If you’re bleeding but think you could be pregnant, is it early pregnancy bleeding, implantation bleeding or the onset of your period?

Guest wrote: lovechelsie wrote: My period is always on time, no matter what. Every 28 days to be exact. But just recently, I had unprotected sex and my period came early.

Hormonal imbalance may cause early periods. Causes of early or irregular period include bad diet, excessive exercise, stress or deregulated hormonal signals.

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Can sex cause an early period? Can this early period be mistaken of implantation bleeding that is an early sign of pregnancy?? I usually have regular 25 days cycle .

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Reasons for a Two-Week-Early Period. Reasons for a Two-Week-Early Period. The only way to know for certain is to take a pregnancy test 14-21 days after you had sex.

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